Hive Athletic

Basketball RULES

Team Size:

  • 5 players on the court per team. Teams must have at least 4 players to start the game.
  • Roster size: Maximum of 10 players.

Game Duration:

  • Two 20-minute halves with a running clock.
  • The clock stops during the last 2 minutes of the second half for fouls, free throws, or out-of-bounds plays (if the score difference is less than 10 points).


  • Points: A bag in the hole scores 3 points, and a bag on the board scores 1 point.
    Cancellation Scoring Example: Team A lands 2 bags on the board (2 points) and 1 in the hole (3 points) for a total of 5 points. Team B lands 3 bags in the hole (9 points). Team B wins the round with 4 points (9 – 5).
    Rally Scoring: Once rally scoring begins, each point is added directly to the total. If both teams go over 21 points, the team with the higher score wins.


  • Each team has two 30-second timeouts per game.
  • Timeouts cannot be carried over to overtime.


  • One 2-minute overtime period with a stopped clock during the final minute.
  • If tied after one overtime, the game ends in a draw (unless playoffs, then additional 2-minute periods until a winner is determined).

Gameplay Rules


  • 2 points for a field goal.
  • 3 points for a shot beyond the 3-point arc.
  • 1 point for each made free throw.

Possession & Tip-Off:

  • The game begins with a jump ball.
  • Possession alternates on jump ball situations after the initial tip.

Shot Clock:

  • Teams have 30 seconds to attempt a shot.


  • Unlimited, but must be made during stoppages or dead ball situations.

Fouls & Free Throws

Personal Fouls:

  • Each player is allowed 5 personal fouls before fouling out.
  • Team Fouls:
    Teams enter the bonus after 6 team fouls per half, resulting in a one-and-one free throw situation.
  • On the 10th team foul, the opposing team is awarded two free throws for each foul.

Shooting Fouls:

  • 2 free throws are awarded for fouls during a 2-point shot attempt.
  • 3 free throws are awarded for fouls during a 3-point shot attempt.


  1. Traveling: Taking more than two steps without dribbling results in a turnover.
  2. Double Dribble: Dribbling with both hands or resuming dribbling after stopping is not allowed.
  3. Backcourt Violation: Teams have 10 seconds to advance the ball past half court.
  4. Shot Interference: Blocking a shot while it’s descending toward the basket is goaltending, and points are awarded to the offense.

Playoff Rules (if applicable):

  1. Higher-seeded teams are considered the “home” team.
  2. Games tied at the end of regulation proceed to overtime until a winner is determined.

League Policies


If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call (201-528-5129) or email ( so we can notify your opponents and update the standings online.


  • Playoff Qualification: 50% percent of teams qualify for the playoffs. 
  • Playoffs will begin immediately following the end of the regular season and will be typically played in one night.
  • No substitutes will be allowed during the playoffs. All players must have signed the waived by the third week of the season. 
  • Playoff eligible teams will be determined on a league by league basis.
  • Playoff matches are best 3 out of 5, with 7-minute games and a possible lightning round if necessary.
  • Any team that would like to challenge the eligibility of an opposing player must do so before the start of the playoff game.  No protests will be considered valid after the game has started.


  • Winning Percentage
  •  Head to Head Record 
  • Record Against Other Playoff Teams
  • If still tied, a coin toss will determine seeding


In order to participate in the league, each participant must sign the online waiver. Waivers are provided and must be completed and submitted in no later than the first night of play. Players must sign the waiver in order to be eligible for playoffs.


Players who have been placed on the roster and signed the waiver are eligible for playoffs. A formal protest may be filed before a playoff game if an opposing player’s eligibility is in question. The player in question will be required to provide his/her player information (name, address, phone #) in writing to a HIVE ATHLETIC staff member prior to the start of the game. This qualifies as an official protest. Any protest made during a game or after a game will NOT be considered a formal protest. The game will then be played in its entirety as scheduled. If the protest is proven to be legitimate, it will result in the forfeiture of the game in question.


The idea of HIVE ATHLETIC is to have fun. We hope that all participants keep that in mind when becoming involved. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behavior deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league. Abuse of staff will not be tolerated. HIVE ATHLETIC reserves the right to remove a player from a game or a league if they are considered to be bringing down the quality of the league. HIVE ATHLETIC will not tolerate fighting! Fighting will be an automatic ejection from any game and in most cases ejection from the league for the remainder of the season.


Please call our weather hotline for the most up to date information on any cancellations (201-528-3271). Leagues may be postponed due to existing weather conditions, dangerous or unplayable field conditions, facility constraints, etc. HIVE ATHLETIC staff makes every effort to play all scheduled games, thus we will not cancel games until absolutely necessary. Therefore, if you are calling concerning a decision on a cancellation, remember we will not have an answer until close to the start of the league. HIVE ATHLETIC will then email/text all of the captains to let them know if possible. It is then the site, HIVE ATHLETIC staff will attempt to contact those teams still scheduled to play the remainder of the league day/night. Depending on the time of cancellation, some teams will have to be notified on site or not at all. If we do cancel, follow next week’s schedule (ex. If April 13 is canceled teams should follow the April 20 schedule for their next game). The games that are canceled will be made up towards the end of the season. In extreme circumstances, HIVE ATHLETIC reserves the right to move games or weeks to an alternative location or schedule games on days other than your regularly scheduled league day/night if necessary.